Laid Off: Four Years and Counting

I really didn't expect a layoff. The University President and the CFO broke the news me just before the weekly executive meeting I normally attended. I told them I wouldn't be at that meeting; "I have work to do." I immediately went back to my office and started looking for my next job. Read more [...]

Christmas, Then and Now

This is one of many reasons why Christmas is as relevant today as ever. As we descend into the election season, we see the parade of candidates, would-be charlatans and pretenders to the throne, many wrapping themselves in a cloak of corrosive, self-righteous piety. Meanwhile in city after city, nation after nation, nonviolent people fill the streets on behalf of the dispossessed, forcefully urging, nudging, pressing us all towards a better world. Read more [...]

A Thought on Government Spending

In other words, in order to win World War II, the United States essentially transformed itself into a socialist nation. And after the war, government spending on free college educations for GIs and excellent deals on home loans launched an unrivaled era of prosperity and economic growth. Read more [...]