Save Money On Your Medical Bills: Pay Cash
Unknown to most consumers, many hospitals and physicians offer steep discounts for cash-paying patients regardless of income. But there's a catch: Typically you can get the lowest price only if you don't use your health insurance. Read more [...]
TED Talk: Why Income Inequality Hurts Society
After so many years of an increasing gulf between rich and poor, it should be obvious to even marginally objective observers that such a gap has very negative consequences.
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What the State of Our Health Care System Means to the Unemployed
When you lose your job, you have to replace lost resources by improvising. Many options exist for essentials such as food and shelter. Health care is different. In many situations, no amount of cleverness or commitment to self-sufficiency will see you through. Read more [...]
The Other Price of Foreclosures
A growing body of research shows that foreclosure itself harms the health of families and communities. In our 2008 survey of 250 people undergoing foreclosure in the Philadelphia area, 32 percent reported missing doctor’s appointments and 48 percent said they let prescriptions go unfilled, significantly higher rates than others in their community. Read more [...]
Can you Make It on 8 Bucks An Hour?
Next time one of your smarmy friends or family members tells you how lazy the poor have it, how they get by with doing nothing and don't need to get any help from government, challenge them to walk that talk--digitally. Read more [...]
DIY Medical Care?
This raises a question. Just how much health care can you do on your own? What's the threshold for practicing medicine without a license? Obviously, applying a band-aid is okay, but a home liver transplant is not. Nor is prescribing controlled medications. But in between those areas, more or less, there is a lot one can do. Read more [...]
Refugees of Unemployment
He said that the edge that came off most of the candidates was unsettling to him and no matter how confident or outgoing or friendly an interviewee was many of them displayed the same subtle body language and speech ticks he had come to recognize in refugees fifteen years ago. Read more [...]
Need Health Care? Rob a Bank
In spite of Health Care reform, the number of uninsured Americans is growing at an alarming rate. This is what it's come to:
James Richard Verone, of Georgia, attempted to steal one dollar from a bank Read more [...]
If You Just Lost Your Job
Psychologists will tell you that starting a new job is a highly stressful event, even if it's something you wanted. Change can be like that. So it's not hard to imagine how stressful it is if you just lost your job. Read more [...]