Christmas, Then and Now

This is one of many reasons why Christmas is as relevant today as ever. As we descend into the election season, we see the parade of candidates, would-be charlatans and pretenders to the throne, many wrapping themselves in a cloak of corrosive, self-righteous piety. Meanwhile in city after city, nation after nation, nonviolent people fill the streets on behalf of the dispossessed, forcefully urging, nudging, pressing us all towards a better world. Read more [...]

Repair it Yourself: A Manifesto

IFixit is a group dedicated to the radical notion that people should be able to repair their own stuff. To that end, they have set up a web site with a growing collection of repair manuals, how-to tutorials, and places to order parts for just about everything that is remotely repairable. At least that's the idea. Read more [...]

Dodging Price Traps

We've all seen the trick where something is priced for a penny less than what it could be; in stead of charging $50 they charge $49.00. Gas stations even increment things down to tenths of a cent. The weird thing is, this strategy works of they'd stop using. This is an example of what I call a pricing trap. A psychological trick to make think you're paying less, or getting a better deal than you really are. Read more [...]

What’s Behind the Current Unemployment?

Contrary to what one might think, capitalism is not about the creation of jobs. That is not its purpose. It's purpose is to make money for people who own businesses. If some of that money finds its way to workers and other forms of overhead, fine. But the mutant capitalism embraced by today's financial elite worships at the altar of efficiency and maximizing profits in a way that has not been seen since the Bad Old Days before workers began to secure their rights to a decent share for their labor. Read more [...]

The Zen of Stuff

My spouse and I have moved several times in our married life and each time it happens I am stunned by how much stuff has accumulated. This is a common thing. We've helped friends to move and they express similar dismay at how many things seem to have wormed their way into their lives. Generally, they don't view this as a good thing Read more [...]

Is Long-Term Recovery Likely?

Washington, DC to Wall Street seem to assume is ramping up and going strong. For obvious reasons I remain dubious. I still have a lot of friends and associates who are either jobless or nearly so. It's also clear that in our new globalized world there are plenty of things that can tip the economics of the globe off kilter and cause trouble. Read more [...]